The Green Dining Standard 

In January 2010, I and two of my like-minded friends had had enough with the food waste in the Queen's University cafeterias - 3 or 4 tons of edible food waste per cafeteria per week. At the time, we were working with the students and cafeteria managers at Queen's to reduce food waste locally. But then we thought: "this sort of thing must be going on elsewere in the country!" So, we decided to do something to "green up" cafeterias across Canada as well.

Thinking nationally, we applied to the TD "Go Green" grant, a Canada-wide competition sponsored by TD, to fund the best sustainability-ideas from university students. We came up with the "Green Dining Standard", a practical guide for cafeteria managers to make their operations more sustainable, and a methodology for coordinating cafeteria-greening throughout Canada. Although we didn't win, by posting our work online, hopefully you, the reader, will find it interesting and maybe even applicable to your local cafeteria.

Change start with you, and we're here to provide you with all the resources you need to ensure your cafeteria is on par with the Green Dining Standard

Enjoy the report!

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