Looking for something Interesting, Informative, and Inspiring?
It Starts Here!
Issue 13 -
It's Our Lucky 13. It's called being different.
October 10, 2010

There! thanks! :) This concerns you!

What makes the ISH unique is its members-driven, community-based approach to resource-sharing.

ISH was started among a group of friends at Queen's University, and since our humble roots, the ISH family has more than tripled in size. We all share at least one thing in common:
a profound drive to learn about the world and make it a better place.

Since this is the lucky 13th issue of ISH, lets propose some savvy re-vamping to help us all connect and get to know each other better:

*Not finished reading the above section yet? ALL EYES ABOVE!*

*Wait for it!!*

OK you can read the rest of the newsletter now! :P


Your weekly LOL!


TED Talk of the Week!


It Starts with You! (Making your life and the lives of others more sustainable)


As a member, you have the unique opportunity, through your contributions, to shape this newsletter however you envision it to be. If you would like to see more information about a particular topic, simply find something about it, write a little blurb about it, and forward it my way for inclusion in the next newsletter!

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