Info. Insight. Inspiration.
 It Starts Here!
Vol. 2, Issue 1
April 3rd, 2011

-->(Hope you all enjoyed that april fool's prank, btw ;)

-->Check out how it all started: Here's the first ever ISH edition!


Canadian Healthcare:


(Sad) Lols of the week...

  • ISH is a member-based information resource about all things "sustainability", started in March of 2010.  Our members consist of high school and university students, including IB candidates/alumni, Queen's Major Admission Award Scholars, Loran Scholars, and Canada's Top 20 Under 20 alumni.
  • Members (those receiving the ISH - yes you are a member!) send in whatever materials they find (links to interesting facts, news about their organizations, etc) during the course of the week, and an editor compiles the material and sends out the ISH newsletter every sunday.
  • As the ISH relies on member inputs, your contribution is greatly needed and always appreciated!
  • You're a member if you care - about the world, about sustainability issues, and about what you can do to make things better. We hope you find the information in this newsletter interesting, informative, and inspiring. Remember: change starts here. Change starts with you.
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